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With the end of the academic year in sight, it can be hard for teachers to stay motivated.


At this time of year, pupils are already looking forward to their summer holidays, but it can be a challenging time for most teachers who are feeling exhausted.  


So, we have some tips to keep you motivated and your pupils focused before your well-earned rest. 

Be creative


Introducing interactive games or discussions to your lesson plans will help keep your pupils engaged. There are lots of resources from training courses, free online resources and books to help you develop as teachers, so take the time to read through these for interactive game ideas.


Teach outdoors


Why not take the class outdoors? Changing the location of teaching will not only be an exciting change for the pupils, but it will also keep you and your students refreshed for the rest of the day.


Being outside, surrounded by nature is great for your mental health. You don’t need to take your pupils far, you can teach within the grounds of the school such as on the school playground, on the field or in a school garden.

Try something new


If you feel like you have fallen into a routine with your lesson plans and feel stuck in a rut, why not engage with your colleagues or other teachers. Sharing best practices and ideas with colleagues will help you find some inspiration on how to mix up your lessons.


There are also lots of groups on social media and blogs where teachers share ideas and lesson plans. You can join these groups to share and read about other experiences.

Take care of yourself


Teaching is a demanding job, which makes it so important that you have plenty of rest, planning and keeping healthy.


Do something for yourself every day, whether it is reading a book or catching up with friends on the phone, it is so important to give yourself time to switch off from work and focus on yourself. If you have a hobby, make time for it as much as you can, so that you can return to work refreshed and focused on your role. 

If you’re looking for a new challenge, we have lots of opportunities to take that next career step. Our friendly consultants are here to offer guidance and provide the best support for your new role. 


Find out more about the opportunities available here or get in touch today via our contact page and see how we can help you!