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We spend a lot of time at work, so it is important to have a career that we enjoy and can feel happy to get up for every day. It should be a top priority for all companies that employees are happy, so they can perform at their best. This could be something such as a weekly coffee with your colleagues or an incentive.  


As a teacher, bringing happiness into the classroom will have a positive impact on your students and encourage them to be more motivated and excited about their lessons. Teaching can be a demanding and stressful job at times, but finding the positives in your day will help eliminate negative feelings. Here are a few ideas to brighten up the school day… 


Always make an effort to greet the children in your class, regardless of how you are feeling. This could really be the difference between a good and a bad day for you and your pupils. If this is a regular occurrence, the classroom will be a cheerier place.


Mix it up

It is sensible to have a lesson plan in place to structure your learning, but don’t be afraid to veer off course at times. Feel the vibe of the class and if a certain joke, dance, or technique has them engaged and makes them laugh…go with it!


Take breaks

Students will pay attention to lessons if they have regular breaks. Allow them even 5 minutes between lessons so they have a chance to adjust.

Give choices

Usually, teachers set the rules and decide how things will go inside the classroom. Students rarely get a chance to make choices for themselves. Allowing students to have a say in what or how they will learn is a good way to make them happy. Doing so will give students some degree of independence and shows that you trust them.



Do not underestimate the power of praise. Children love to be told that they are doing a good job. Share their achievements, however big or small.


Creating a happy classroom will make for enthusiastic and hardworking students who will perform at their best. You can learn more about International Happiness Week at work here.