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If you are looking for a change in career, or have recently finished your training/education, it really helps to have an up-to-date CV that sells your relevant skills, experience and abilities. But just what is it that makes a great CV?



Always keep it up to date


You might only have a few minutes to impress your potential employer, therefore it is important that the information you provide is relevant and explains why you would be suitable for the job you are applying for. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible about what you have done in your previous roles, especially skills you can carry into your new position. Always layout your career history in chronological order to look consistent.

Give prominence to experience and qualifications


Be sure to include all of your qualifications, the more the better! Include any additional programs you have taken part in, such as first aid certification or if you speak another language. This will impress the employer by showing your willingness to further educate yourself and develop in your career.


If you are applying for a role within a specific sector, be sure to specify your exact qualification relating to that sector and what responsibilities you have held in that position, this will help the employer figure out how suitable you are.


Emphasise achievements


Your CV is the one chance you have to sell yourself. Don’t worry about talking yourself up. Give examples of a time when you helped someone achieve a personal goal, or when you created a plan to help a school sports team. You may have taken part in some volunteer work, how does that contribute to your working style?


Also, be sure to include all of the qualities that you have that make you perfect for the job. Are you organised? Do you have strong leadership skills? What could you do to improve? The list is endless. It’s important to show your personality in your writing, let them see how confident you are and why they should hire you!

You should list two referees and, as far as possible, ensure that one of them is from your previous job role and the other from your university/ training institution. Ensure you get permission from the referees before including their details.


By following these simple steps, you’re bound to get the job you want! If you would like to see what vacancies we have available, click here.


Good luck!